Paris Living Rating

We’ve rated every city we’ve lived in over the last few years, and Paris takes the gâteau.

It’s just our opinion, but we think it’s the best based on these 5 factors. Swipe to see our rating!

● FOOD: No explanation needed, you’re in Paris. I genuinely feel bad for my American self (and the rest of the world) when I eat the food here because it’s just so good.

● WORK LIFE: With loads of coworking options and decent wifi, it’s perfect for remote workers like us. The only issue is that the French work life is just so good that you won’t reallllly want to work so hard 😂 This new slower pace of life is a nice adjustment to have a better balance.

●  CULTURAL FEEL: It’s no wonder why the world’s most beloved artists, writers and chefs lived and trained in this city. It’s just so beautiful and awe inspiring with a million spectacular museums and things to do. Concept shopping was born here and the Cafe Culture is on point. The Emily in Paris phenomenon has everyone booking their trip, and it’s for good reason.

● COST OF LIVING: It’s not cheap to live in one of the best world cities, but we think it’s more affordable compared to the Nordics or most big cities in the US right now. Airbnb rent and restaurant bills are high, but transport, groceries and essentials are low like your 1 euro baguette.

● OVERALL LIVABILITY: My favorite part of living in Paris is that it’s just easy to make an enjoyable life here compared to other big cities. The metro is super easy and efficient and it’s charming to walk the streets if you’d rather. It’s generally a super clean big city (if you’re not here during the trash strikes). The downside to assimilating is that it’s not a myth that the French aren’t super friendly to strangers, so it’s tough to make friends as a foreigner. Get plugged into expat groups if you’re staying a while.

⭐️ 4.8 out of 5 stars

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